Why vintage bicycles


Bicycles bring together style and function in a way that nothing else does. A vintage bicycle is not only beautiful to look at--it can take you on new adventures. It can make an everyday errand, like a trip to the grocery store, fun.

Vintage bicycles have history. Care for a vintage bike, and you’re connected in some way to that history, back to the people who made it and back to the time when the bicycle was created. Many of the companies that produced vintage bicycles don’t exist anymore. In our culture, it’s easy to throw things away and buy something new. Preserving or bringing back a decades-old bicycle is a rejection of that way of thinking.

These bikes are survivors. They’ve made it down through the decades to us, today. They’re environmentally friendly because they don’t run on fossil fuels or electricity or anything else. And they’re just cool. I’m not at all interested in racing or getting somewhere fast. I want to get somewhere safely and in style, and to have fun, to have adventures, and to explore. A bicycle is about beauty, and it’s also about freedom.

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